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Results: 301 - 350 of 1174 Cards
The Voice of Isengard (x2/x1)
20 1 2 1 2


Forced: After Orc Hound engages a player, that player must exhaust a character he controls.

The Voice of Isengard (x2/x0)
35 3 5 3 5

Forced: After Dunland Raider engages a player, that player must deal X damage divided among characters he controls where X equals the number of cards in his hand.

Shadow: Discard an attachment you control.

The Voice of Isengard (x2/x1)


When Revealed: Attach to the current quest. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

Forced: After a player draws an number of cards, raise his threat by 1.

"They hate us, and they are glad; for our doom seems certain to them." –Gamling, The Two Towers

The Voice of Isengard (x2)
37 0 4 2 3

When Revealed: Each player draws a card.

Forced: After a player draws any number of cards, Dunland Tribesman gets +1 Threat until the end of the round.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack.

The Voice of Isengard (x2/x0)
35 3 5 3 6

Forced: After Dunland Chieftain engages a player, discard X cards from the top of the encounter deck where X is the number of cards in the engages player's hand. Put the topmost Dunland enemy discarded this way into play engaged with that player.

The Voice of Isengard (x3)
25 2 2 1 4

Forced: After the engaged player draws any number of cards. Dunland Berserker makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

The Voice of Isengard (x2/x1)


When Revealed: Attach to the current quest. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

Forced: After a player draws any number of cards, that player deals 1 damage to a character he controls.

"I looked on the hillmen and they seemed over large for me..." –Gimli, The Two Towers

The Voice of Isengard (x2)


When Revealed: Attach to a location in play. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

Limit 1 per location. Attached location gets +2 quest points and gains: 'Forced: Remove an additional time counter from the current quest at the end of each refresh phase, if able.'
The Voice of Isengard (x2/x1)

When Revealed: Remove a hero from the quest and attach In Need of Rest to that hero. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

Limit 1 per hero. Forced: After a time counter is removed from the current quest, attached hero takes 1 damage.

I have just about enough strength left to find some hole away up there. And then I must rest a little.
–Frodo, The Return of the King

The Dunland Trap (x1)
50 3 5 3 5
Dunland. Boar Clan.

Cannot have attachments. Cannot leave play.

Chief Turch engages the first player.

Forced: After an enemy engages a player, remove 1 time counter from the current quest.

The Dunland Trap (x1)

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, remove 1 time counter from the current quest.

After some miles, however, the road ceased to roll up and down... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Dunland Trap (x3/x2)
28 3 0 0 5
Dunland. Boar Clan.

Boar Clan Stalker gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each resource token on it (limit +4).

Forced: After the engaged player draws any number of cards, put a resource token on Boar Clan Stalker.

The Dunland Trap (x4)
20 2 3 1 4
Dunland. Boar Clan.

Forced: After the engaged player draws any number of cards, deal Boar Clan Warrior a shadow card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each shadow card on it.

The Dunland Trap (x2/x1)
Enedwaith. Hills.


X is the number of resource tokens on this card.

Forced: After a player draws any number of cards, place 1 resource token here.

The Dunland Trap (x4/x2)
Enedwaith. Hills.

While Hills of Dunland is in the staging area, it gains:

Forced: After a player draws any number of cards, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card is a Dunland enemy, put it into play engaged with that player. This ability does not stack with other copies of Hills of Dunland.

Travel: Each player draws a card to travel here.

The Dunland Trap (x3/x1)


When Revealed: Attach to the active location. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

Limit 1 per location. Forced: After attached location is explored, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Dunland enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The Three Trials (x1)
50 1 4 4 10
Guardian. Boar.

Time 2.

Cannot have non-Key attachments.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from Boar’s Guardian the engaged player must discard an ally he controls. Place 2 time counters on Boar’s Guardian.

The Three Trials (x1)
50 2 5 3 12
Guardian. Wolf.

Time 3.

Cannot have non-Key attachments.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from Wolf’s Guardian it makes an immediate attack against the engaged player. Place 3 time counters on Wolf’s Guardian.

The Three Trials (x1)
50 3 3 5 8
Guardian. Raven.

Time 4.

Cannot have non-Key attachments.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from Raven’s Guardian deal 1 damage to each character controlled by the engaged player. Place 4 time counters on Raven’s Guardian.

The Three Trials (x1)
Barrow. Forest. Hills.

Forced: When a Guardian enemy attacks, deal it 1 additional shadow card.

They heard of the Great Barrows, and the green mounds, and the stone–rings upon the hills and in the hollows among the hills. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Three Trials (x1)
Barrow. Forest. Hills.

Forced: After a Guardian enemy attacks, raise each player's threat by X, where X is that enemy's Threat.

Stone rings grinned out of the ground like broken teeth in the moonlight. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Three Trials (x1)
Forest. Hills.

Immune to player card effects. X is the number of players in the game.

Travel: The players must exhaust 3 Key objectives.

Forced: After the players travel here, each engaged Guardian enemy makes an immediate attack.

Trouble in Tharbad (x1)

Players cannot reduce their threat.

While The Empty Mug is in the victory display, the current quest gains:

Forced: After a player card effect reduces a player's threat, remove it from the game.
Trouble in Tharbad (x1)
50 X 5 4 7
Mordor. Spy.

X is the number of players in the game.

Orc and Creature enemies get -30 engagement cost and +1 Threat.

Forced: When Bellach is destroyed, shuffle him into the encounter deck.

Trouble in Tharbad (x4)
40 2 3 2 4
Mordor. Orc. Spy.

Forced: When Spy from Mordor attacks, remove 1 time counter from the current quest.

"Some spying breed of Orc, I guess, or a creature of theirs." –Faramir, The Two Towers

Trouble in Tharbad (x2/x1)
30 3 5 4 5

While Bellach’s Marauder is engaged with a player, it gains:

Forced: After a time counter is removed from the current quest, deal Bellach’s Marauder 2 shadow cards.

Shadow: Remove 1 time counter from the current quest.

Trouble in Tharbad (x2)


While Tharbad Hideout is the active location, time counters cannot be removed from the current quest.

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, place 1 progress on Tharbad Hideout.

Trouble in Tharbad (x2)

Travel: Raise each player's threat by X to travel here. X is the number of enemies in play.

Forced: After traveling to Hidden Alleyway, add 1 time counter to the current quest.

Trouble in Tharbad (x2)

While Decrepit Rooftops is the active location, enemies get +1 Threat and do not make engagement checks.

Forced: After traveling to Decrepit Rooftops, return all engaged enemies to the staging area.

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x1)
45 3 6 4 9

Cannot have attachments.

Ancient Marsh-dweller gets +1 Threat and +1 Attack for each resource token on it.

Forced: After any number of time counters are removed from the current quest, place a resource token here.

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x4/x3)
35 3 3 3 6

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After any number of time counters are removed from the current quest, Giant Swamp Adder attacks the engaged player.

There were also abominable creatures haunting the reeds and tussocks... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x3)
20 2 1 1 6
Creature. Insect.

Forced: After any number of time counters are removed from the current quest, the engaged player must deal 2 damage to an ally he controls.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x3/x2)

While Fen of Reeds is in the staging area, it gains:

Forced: After the players advance to a quest stage, each player must exhaust a character he controls.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each time counter on the quest.

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x3)
River. Marsh.

While Finger of Glanduin is in the staging area, it gains:

Forced: At the end of each round, remove 1 progress from each location in play.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character remove all progress from the current quest.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x1)

When a location has damage equal to its printed quest points, place it facedown underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, raise each player's threat by 1 for each card underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x2/x1)
45 3 5 3 5
Mordor. Orc.

Forced: After Prowling Orc attacks, place 1 damage on the active location.

Scour: Prowling Orc engages the player with the highest threat and makes an immediate attack.

"Garn! You don't even know what you're looking for." –Orc, The Return of the King

Celebrimbor's Secret (x3)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.

Forced: After Ruined Plaza enters the staging area, place 1 damage here.

Shadow: Defending player assigns X damage amoung characters he controls. X is the number of cards underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x4/x2)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.

Forced: After placing any amount of progress here, trigger the topmost Scour effect in the discard pile, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack If this attack destroys a character, raise each player's threat by 1 for each card underneath The Orcs’ Search.

The Antlered Crown (x1)
15 4 5 5 9
Dunland. Raven Clan.

Cannot have attachments. While Raven Chief’s Camp is in play, Raven Chief cannot be damaged.

Forced: When Raven Chief attacks, remove 1 time counter from the active location, if able.

The Antlered Crown (x1)

Time 3.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, exhaust each damaged character. Place 3 time counters on this location.

The Antlered Crown (x4/x3)
36 3 4 2 5
Dunland. Raven Clan.

Forced: After Raven Warrior engages a player. remove X time counters from locations in play. X is the number of cards in engaged player's hand.

Shadow: Defending player discards an attachment he controls.

The Antlered Crown (x4/x2)

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, starting with the first player, each player draws the top card of the Raven deck and puts it into play engaged with him.

All the camp was soon astir. –The Two Towers

The Antlered Crown (x3)

Time 2.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, reveal the top card of the Raven deck and add it to the staging area.

Shadow: Deal attacking enemy 2 additional shadow cards from the Raven deck.

The Antlered Crown (x3)

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, each player assigns X damage among characters he controls, where X is the number of cards in his hand.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

The Antlered Crown (x2)

Time 4.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, each player raises his threat by the number of cards in his hand.

Shadow: Defending player assigns X damage among characters he controls. X is the Time X value on the active location.

The Lost Realm (x2)

While Borders of Bree-land is in the staging area it gains:

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, return 1 enemy engaged with a player to the staging area.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 Defense for each quest stage in play.

The Lost Realm (x1)

No more than 3 progress tokens can be placed on the current quest each round.

While Orc Rearguard is the current quest it gains:

Forced: At the end of the staging step, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck.

Some of the Orcs have broken from the war party to hinder your pursuit. Until you deal with them, it will be difficult to continue your chase...

The Lost Realm (x1)

Time 4.

When Revealed: The first player loses control of Iârion and places him facedown underneath this stage. When this stage is defeated, the first player takes control of Iârion and exhausts him.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, discard Iârion.

While scouting ahead, Iârion is ambushed by several Orcs. The Ranger is knoced unconscious and dragged away by the Orcs. You must rescue him!

The Lost Realm (x5/x4)
20 2 2 1 2

Forced: After Cornered Orc engages a player, it makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if the defending character is damaged).

The Lost Realm (x1)
Arnor. Ruins.

Immune to player card effects.

While Amon Forn is the active location, it gains:

Forced: After an Orc enemy is added to the staging area, it makes an immediate attack against the first player.

The players cannot win while Amon Forn is in play.