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Results: 601 - 650 of 1174 Cards
Wrath and Ruin (x3)

Encounter Action: Put the topmost enemy in the encounter discard pile into play engaged with you to take control of Ransacked House.

While you control Ransacked House, it gains:"Forced: After the player who controls Ransacked House loses control of a location, return Ransacked House to the staging area."

Wrath and Ruin (x3/x2)

While Makeshift Fortification is the active location, it gains archery 3.

Forced: After a player takes control of Makeshift Fortification return the topmost enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.

Wrath and Ruin (x2/x1)

While Captured Tower is the active location, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.

Forced: After a player takes control of Captured Tower, he shuffles the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discards cards from the top until he discards an enemy and puts that enemy into play engaged with him.

Wrath and Ruin (x2/x1)


While attached to an enemy, counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: When attached enemy would be destroyed, heal all damage from it and discard Fury instead."

When Revealed: Attach to the lowest engagement cost Easterling enemy without Fury.

The City of Ulfast (x3/x2)
25 2 X 1 3

X is 1 more than the number of resources on the main quest.

Forced: After Ulfast Sentry engages you, either place 1 resource on the main quest or Ulfast Sentry makes an attack.

The City of Ulfast (x2/x1)
30 3 5 2 5

Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: When The King's Elite attacks, place 1 resource on the main quest.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

Challenge of the Wainriders (x1)

If The Wainriders' stage has damage on it equal to or greater than its quest points, The Wainriders advances to the next stage in the circuit. Place any excess damage on that stage.

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, place X damage on The Wainriders' stage, where X is the total Threat of each enemy in the staging area.

Challenge of the Wainriders (x1)

Forced: When the players defeat a quest stage with the race keyword, advance this card to the next quest stage in the circuit.

If The Challengers completes two circuits before the Wainriders, the players win the game. If The Wainriders completes two circuits before the challenges, the players lose the game.

Challenge of the Wainriders (x4/x3)
28 1 4 2 3

Archery 1.

While The Challengers is ahead of the The Wainriders, Aggressive Racer gains surge.

Forced: After Aggressive Racer attacks and destroys a character, place 2 damage on The Wainriders' stage.

Challenge of the Wainriders (x2/x1)

Crowded Track gets +1 Threat for each character controlled by the first player.

Forced: After Crowded Track becomes the active location, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Under the Ash Mountains (x1)

The tunnels under the Ash Mountains are a vast, dark maze.

During the travel phase, the players must travel to a location, if able.

Forced: When the active location is explored, place 1 resource here.

Progress cannot be placed on this quest unless there are at least 3 resources here.

Under the Ash Mountains (x1)

As you draw closer to Mordor, the darkness around you seeps into your thought, and despair begins to take hold...

Forced: After a player players a card, he discards the top card of his deck.

Response: When this stage is defeated, each player shuffles the top 3 cards of his discard pile into his deck.

Under the Ash Mountains (x2)
30 3 3 3 6

Forced: When Nameless Beast attacks you, discard the top card of your deck. Nameless Beast gets +XAttack for this attack, where X is that card's cost.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +XAttack where X is the cost of the top card of your discard pile.

Under the Ash Mountains (x2/x1)
33 3 6 3 8

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Mordor Cave Troll attacks and destroys a character, discard the top card of your deck for each point of excess damage dealt by this attack.

Under the Ash Mountains (x3)
28 2 4 1 5
Creature. Werewolf.

Forced: After Ash Mountain Werewolf attacks you, discard the top card of your deck (top 2 cards instead if this attack destroyed a character).

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, discard the top 2 cards of your deck.

Under the Ash Mountains (x3/x2)
12 1 2 1 2
Creature. Spider.


Forced: After Spawn of Shelob engages you, either discard the top card of your deck, or Spawn of Shelob gets +2 Attack until the end of the round.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control.

Under the Ash Mountains (x2/x1)
45 X 5 4 9
Orc. Uruk.

X is 1 more than the number of quest cards in play.

While Torech Gorgor Patrol is in the staging area, no more than 5 progress can be placed on the main quest each round.

Forced: After Torech Gorgor Patrol engages a player, it makes an attack.

Under the Ash Mountains (x3/x2)

X is 1 more than the number of quest cards in play.

Forced: When Fiery Chasm is explored, discard the top X cards of your deck.

...its floor and walls on either side were cloven by a great fissure, out of which the red glare came, now leaping up, now dying down into darkness...
–The Return of the King

Under the Ash Mountains (x2)

When Revealed: Each player places the top 3 cards of his deck facedown under Hideous Deeps.

Forced: When Hideous Deeps is explored as the active location, shuffle each facedown card under it into its owner's deck.

Under the Ash Mountains (x2/x1)

While Orc Passage is in the staging area, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.

Forced: When Orc Passage is explored, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a copy of Torech Gorgor Patrol and add it to the staging area.

The Land of Sorrow (x1)
29 1 5 3 8
Easterling. Warden.

Immune to player card effects.

Only the engaged player can declare attackers or defenders against Lorgan.

Forced: After Lorgan attacks, raise each player's threat by 1 (2 instead if this attack destroys a character.

The Land of Sorrow (x1)
33 2 6 2 9
Easterling. Warden.

Immune to player card effects.

Only the engaged player can declare attackers or defenders against Borlach.

Forced: After Borlach attacks and destroys a character, any excess damage must be assigned among characters you control.

The Land of Sorrow (x1)

Forced: After The Barracks becomes the active location, add the enemy under it to the staging area. That enemy cannot take damage this round.

Forced: When The Baracks is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

The Land of Sorrow (x1)

Forced: After Slave Quarters becomes the active location, the enemy under it engages the first player and makes an immediate attack.

Forced: When Slave Quarters is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

The Land of Sorrow (x1)

Forced: After The Storehouse becomes the active location, add the enemy under it to the staging area. That enemy gets +3Attack and -30 engagement cost until the end of the round.

Forced: When The Storehouse is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

The Land of Sorrow (x2/x1)


While attached to an enemy, counts as a Weapon attachment with the text:"Forced: When attached enemy attacks, deal 1 damage to an exhausted character you control.

When Revealed: Attach to the Easterling enemy with the lowest engagement cost.

The Fortress of Nurn (x1)
0 X 6 4 12

Immune to player card effects.

X is 1 more than the number of Castle side quests in the victory display.

Forced: After Thane Ulchor attacks, reveal the top card of the encounter deck.

The Fortress of Nurn (x3)
28 2 3 1 4

Forced: After Soldier of Nurn attacks, place 1 card from your hand facedown under a Castle side quest.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack If this attack destroys a character, place 1 card from your hand facedown under a Castle side quest.

The Fortress of Nurn (x2/x1)
34 4 6 3 9

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Mordor Olog-hai attacks and destroys a character you control, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack

The Fortress of Nurn (x3/x1)
12 1 2 1 2


Forced: After Guard Dogs engages you, deal 1 damage to a character you control.

Shadow: Put Guard Dogs into play engaged with you.

The Fortress of Nurn (x1)

You charge into the castle, not knowing what you will find within...

The faceup encounter card underneath this quest is not in play.

Forced: When this quest becomes the current quest, reveal the faceup encounter card under it. Then, flip this card ovewr and make it the current quest until the end of the phase.


When Revealed: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X enemies are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.

When this stage is defeated, shuffle each player card underneath it into its owner's deck. Then, each player draws 1 card.

The Fortress of Nurn (x1)

You charge into the castle, not knowing what you will find within...

The faceup encounter card underneath this quest is not in play.

Forced: When this quest becomes the current quest, reveal the faceup encounter card under it. Then, flip this card ovewr and make it the current quest until the end of the phase.


When Revealed: Deal 1 damage to each character in play.

When this stage is defeated, shuffle each player card underneath it into its owner's deck. Then, each player draws 1 card.

The Fortress of Nurn (x1)

You charge into the castle, not knowing what you will find within...

The faceup encounter card underneath this quest is not in play.

Forced: When this quest becomes the current quest, reveal the faceup encounter card under it. Then, flip this card ovewr and make it the current quest until the end of the phase.


When Revealed: Each player randomly discards 4 of his cards from under this quest. Then, each player discards each card he controls, or holds in his hand, that share a title with one of the cards he just discarded.

When this stage is defeated, shuffle each player card underneath it into its owner's deck. Then, each player draws 1 card.

The Fortress of Nurn (x1)

You charge into the castle, not knowing what you will find within...

The faceup encounter card underneath this quest is not in play.

Forced: When this quest becomes the current quest, reveal the faceup encounter card under it. Then, flip this card ovewr and make it the current quest until the end of the phase.


When Revealed: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players. Added each location discarded this way to the staging area.

When this stage is defeated, shuffle each player card underneath it into its owner's deck. Then, each player draws 1 card.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)
38 3 5 2 12

Troll enemies not engaged with a player cannot take damage.

Forced: After William engages a player, sack 2.

Forced: Return William to the staging area at the end of the combat phase. The engaged player may raise his threat by 1 to cancel this effect.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)
23 3 5 2 10

Players cannot play attachment cards on Troll enemies.

Forced: After Bert engages a player, sack 1.

Forced: Return Bert to the staging area at the end of the combat phase. The engaged player may raise his threat by 1 to cancel this effect.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)
33 3 5 2 11

Troll enemies can only be attacked by one character at a time.

Forced: After Tom engages a player, sack 1.

Forced: Return Tom to the staging area at the end of the combat phase. The engaged player may raise his threat by 1 to cancel this effect.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x2/x1)
Western Lands.

Forced: After placing 1 or more progress tokens on Dreary Hills, each player must discard 1 card at random from his hand.

Response: After Dreary Hills leaves play as an explored location, Bilbo Baggins gains 1 resource.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x2)
Western Lands.

Forced: After placing 1 or more progress tokens on Lone-Lands, each player removes 1 resource from one of his hero's resource pools, if able.

Response: After Lone-Lands leaves play as an explored location, Bilbo Baggins gains 1 resource.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x2)
Western Lands.

While Cave Entrance is in the staging area, it gains:'Forced: At the end of the round, place the top X cards of the encounter discard pile on the bottom of the encounter deck. X is the number of players in the game.'

That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you don't know how far they go back. –The Hobbit

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)
15 3 5 2 8
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: After The Great Goblin attacks, discard X cards from the encounter deck where X is the number of players in the game. Add each Goblin enemy discarded by this effect to the staging area.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x3/x1)
40 4 6 3 9

While at least one Stone-Giant is in the staging area, the Galloping Boulders card gains surge.

Forced: After Stone-Giant engages a player, that player chooses and discards 1 ally he controls.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x3)

While Great Cavern Room is the active location, it gains: “Forced: After a player engages a Goblin enemy, he must deal 1 damage to a character he controls.”

Forced: When faced with the option to travel, if The Great Goblin is in the victory display the players must travel to Great Cavern Room if able.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)

X is the number of players in the game.

Forced: At the end of the round, remove X progress tokens from the current quest.

There were many paths that led up into those mountains, and many passes over them. But most of the paths were cheats and deceptions and led nowhere or to bad ends. –The Hobbit

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)
50 0 2 3 5

Forced: After the first player answers a riddle and fails to find at least 1 match, Gollum attacks Bilbo Baggins. (Do not deal a shadow card for this attack.)

"If precious asks, and it doesn't answer, we eats it, my precious." – Gollum, The Hobbit

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1/x0)
30 4 5 2 5

Forced: If Great Gray Wolf is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, return all Creature enemies to the staging area at the end of the combat phase.

Riddle: The first player names a card type, sphere and cost, shuffles his deck, then discards the top 3 cards. For each of those cards that matches all three items, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x4)
25 3 3 2 3

Forced: If Wild Wargs is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, it gets +2Attack.

Riddle: The first player names a card type, shuffles his deck, and discards the top 2 cards. For each of those cards that matches, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x3)

Forced: After a character takes damage from an attack made by a Creature enemy, remove 1 progress from the current quest.

Riddle: The first player names a sphere, shuffles his deck, and discards the top card. For each of those cards that matches, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill (x1)

X is twice the number of players in the game.

Players cannot travel here.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After players advance to stage 3, remove Lake in the Cavern from the game.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)

Immune to player card effects.

Travel: Exhaust Bilbo Baggins to travel here.

Forced: At the start of each quest phase, search the encounter deck for 1 Spider enemy and add it to the staging area. (2 Spider enemies instead if 3 or more players are at this stage.) Shuffle the encounter deck.