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Results: 2851 - 2900 of 3044 Cards
The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)

Each Undead enemy gets +1 Threat and +1 Attack

Forced: After Desecrated Grounds is flipped over while active, deal 1 damage to each exhausted character.



Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)

Each Undead enemy gains "immune to player card effects."

Forced: After Forsaken City is flipped over while active, each engaged Undead enemy makes an immediate attack.



Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)
41 4 6 4 10 9 

Forced: After attackers are declared during an attack against Guardian of the Golden King, look at the bottom card of the first player's deck. Choose and remove characters from the attack until only X or fewer characters are attacking, where X is the looked-at-card's printed cost (those characters do not ready).

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x3)
Forest. Ruins.

While Overgrown Steps is in the staging area, it gains: "Each Uncharted location in the staging area gets +1 Threat

Travel: Raise each player's threat by 2 to travel here.

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Each player discards the bottom card of his deck. Each player player chooses and removes his characters from the until only X or fewer of his characters are questing, where X is the printed cost of the card that player discarded. Deal 1 damage to each character still committed to the quest.

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Choose an Uncharted location in the staging area and flip it over. If it has a Forced effect, resolve it as if that location were active. If it does not have a Forced effect, switch it with the active location, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +XAttack where X is the active location'sThreat

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x3)
16 3 2 3 3 1 
Corsair. Raider.

Durin the combat phase, Corsair Pillager makes 1 additional attack for each resource token on it.

Forced: After the players travel to an Aflame location, place 1 resource on Corsair Pillager for each damage on that location.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x3)
44 2 2 2 4 5 
Corsair. Raider.

Corsair Pyromaniac gets +1 Threat +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each resource token on it.

Forced: After a card is placed underneath The Havens Burn, place 1 resource on Corsair Pyromaniac.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x1)
32 4 6 2 5 1 

For each excess point of combat damage dealt by Elite Marauder (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) you must place 1 damage on an Aflame location in the staging area.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x1)
Grey Havens. Ship.

Aflame 10. Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After the first player plays an ally from his hand, deal 1 damage to the N relenya.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x1)
Gondor. Ship.

Aflame 8. Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After the first player draws and number of cards, deal 1 damage to the Dawn Star.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x1)
Gondor. Ship.

Aflame 6. Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After the first player attacks and enemy, deal 1 damage to the Silver Wing.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x2)
Grey Havens.

Aflame 5.

While Burning Tower is in the staging area, damage cannot be healed.

Forced: After damage is placed on Burning Tower, choose X characters, where X is the amount of damage on Burning Tower. Deal 1 damage to each chosen character.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Each player must either deal 2 damage to an Aflame location in play, or reveal 1 card from the top of the encounter deck.

Shadow: Either deal 2 damage to an Aflame location in play or attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Remove 1 resource from each hero in play. Distribute those resources as evenly as possible among Raider enemies in play or set aside.

Shadow: Damage from this attack is dealt to an Aflame location in play instead of the defending character.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x4)
28 0 3 3 4 4 

While Raider of the Storm is engaged with you, each Ship enemy engaged with you gets +1 Threat +1 Attack +1 Defense and contributes itsThreat to the total Threat in the staging area.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x2)
44 4 4 2 9 1 
Corsair. Ship.

Boarding 1. Cannot have attachments.

While you are off-course (Cloudy, Rainy, or Stormy), Tide-runner is considered to be in the Stormcaller's area and the staging area, regardless of its current location.

When Revealed: Either choose a player to engage Tide-runner, or add Tide-runner to the Stormcaller's area and it gains surge.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x1)
34 5 8 5 14 5 
Corsair. Ship.

Boarding 2. Cannot have attachments.

*Forced: After this Sailing test ends, if you are off-course (Cloudy, Rainy, or Stormy), put the Venom's Bite into play in the staging area. If you are on-course (Sunny), put it into play in the Stormcaller's area instead.


Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x3)
Coastland. Ocean.

When Revealed: If your heading is off-course (Cloudy, Rainy, or Stormy), make Sharp Jetties the active location, returning any currently active location to the staging area.

Forced: When any amount of progress is placed on Sharp Jetties, either remove an equal amount of progress from the current quest, or deal an equal amount of damage to each Ship objective.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x3)
Coastland. Ocean.

While Cliffside Inlet is in the staging area, the main quest gets +2 quest points.

Travel: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Ship enemy is discarded. Put that enemy into play in the Stormcaller's area.


Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x3)


When Revealed: Deal 1 shadow card to each Ship enemy in play. Until the end of the round, shadow effects cannot be canceled.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: For each Ship enemy in the Stormcaller's area, place 1 progress on the Stormcaller's quest stage. Then, either shift your heading off-course or add 8Threat to the staging area until the end of the phase.

Shadow: If this attack damages a Ship objective, place 1 progress on the Stormcaller's quest stage.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x1)

While Captain's Quarters is grappled, Raider characters are considered to have no resources.

Travel: Add 2 resources to Captain Sahír (even if he is out of play) and 1 resource to each other Raider card in play.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)
Ship. Deck.

While Aft Cabin is in the staging area, each enemy grappled with each Deck location adds 3Threat instead of 2Threat

Forced: After an enemy is detached from Aft Cabin, that enemy gets +3Defense until the end of the round.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Exhaust each character with 1 or lessWillpower Remove all resources from each ready hero and objective-ally.

Shadow: If the defending character has 1 or lessWillpower treat this attack as undefended.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)
36 3 3 1 3 1 
Corsair. Raider.

Corsair Duelist enters play with 2 resources on it.

Forced: When Corsair Duelist would be defeated, remove 1 resource and all damage from it instead.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each resource on it.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)
0 0 4 1 5 9 
Creature. Tentacle.

Surge. Grapple (most enemies grappled).

Forced: After Slitering Arm engages a player, it makes an immediate attack against that player.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)
27 2 6 1 7 1 
Creature. Tentacle.

Grapple (fewest enemies grappled).

Forced: After Crashing Arm is detaced from a location, deal it 3 shadow cards.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

The Thing in the Depths Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: For each location in play that is not grappled, reveal the top card of the encounter deck. If no cards are revealed by this effect, Deep Maelstrom gains Doomed 5. Cannot be canceled.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each enemy grappled with a location.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)

Forced: When Desecrated Ruins is flipped over while active, remove all resources from each hero and objective-ally.

Tar–Palantir attempted to ammend the evil: but it was too late, and there was rebellion and strife in Númenor
–The Return of the King


Uncharted. Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Edge of the Temple becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 8 progress from Edge of the Temple to look at its facedown side.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)

While Temple Foothills is the active location, the players, as a group, cannot play more than 1 card each round.



Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Edge of the Temple becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 8 progress from Edge of the Temple to look at its facedown side.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)

Forced: When Cursed Temple is flipped over while active, discard 3 cards at random from each player's hand.

While Cursed Temple is the active location, each player cannot draw cards by card effects.



Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Edge of the Temple becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 8 progress from Edge of the Temple to look at its facedown side.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)
23 4 4 4 6 1 

Forced: After King's Knight attacks, if no damage was dealt by its attack, return it to the staging area.

Shadow: If no damage is dealt by this attack, return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)
28 3 3 3 4 9 

While the active location is in the top rown, Cursed Soldier gets +3Threat

While the active location is in the middle row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Attack

While the active location is in the bottom row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Defense

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)

Doomed 3.

When Revealed: Switch the placement of the active location with the location above or below it, or to its left (the active location does not change). Then, flip each adjacement location to its "Lost Island" or "Edge of the Temple" side.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Until the end of the round, each Undead enemy gets +XAttack and +XDefense X is the number of locations to the left of the active location (in its row). If X is 0 or 1, Call of the Curse gains surge.

Shadow: Resolve the 'when revealed' effect of Call of the Curse.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Attach to the active location. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After you travel from attached location to the right, deal 2 damage to each exhausted character.")

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
Underground. Grotto.

While Overgrown Passage is the active location, heroes cannot gain resources.

Response: After you travel to Overgrown Passage, you may flip it to its Underwater side.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
Underground. Grotto.

Forced: When faced with the option to travel, if you do not choose to travel to a location name Sharp Precipice, you must raise each player's threat by 3.

Forced: After you travel to Sharp Precipice, flip it to its Underwater side.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
Underground. Underwater.

While Jagged Cavern is the active location, the first treachery card revealed each round gains doomed 1 and surge.

Forced: If Jagged Cavern is the active location at the end of the quest phase, each player must discard each card in his or her hand. Then, you may flip Jagged Cavern to its Grotto side.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
Underground. Underwater.

While Submerged Crawlway is the active location, deal each engaged enemy 1 additional shadow card at the beginning of the combat phase.

Forced: If Submerged Crawlway is the active location at the end of the quest phase, each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and add it to the staging area. Then, you may flip Submerged Crawlway to its Grotto side.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x4)
26 2 3 2 3 9 

When Revealed: If the active location is Underwater return each other Submerged Dead in the encounter discard pule to the staging area.

Shadow: If the active location is Underwater put Submerged Dead into play in the staging area.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
34 4 4 4 6 1 

Great Shark gets +1 Threat +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each Underwater location in the victory display.

Great Shark cannot be engaged or damaged unless the active location is Underwater.

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, return Great Shark to the staging area unless the active location is Underwater.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
36 3 7 1 10 5 

For each point of excess damage dealt by Undersea Cave Troll (damage that has been dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) discard 1 resource from one of your objective-allies or from one of your heroes' resource pools.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
Underground. Underwater.

If Flooded Caverns is in the staging area and the active location is Underwater add that location'sThreat to theThreat of Flooded Caverns.

Forced: If Flooed Caverns is the active location at the end of the quest phase, return an Underwater location from the victory display to the bottom of the Grotto deck, Grotto side faceup. Then, return Flooded Caverns to the staging area.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Until the end of the quest phase, each ally gets -1Willpower If the active location has the Grotto trait, remove all progress from it and flip it to its Underwater side.

Shadow: If the active location is Underwater treat this attack as if it were undefended.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: If the active location is Underwater choose a number and raise each player's threat by that number. No more than X progress can be placed on Underwater locations this phase, where X is twice the chosen number. If the active location is not Underwater Sulfur Cloud gains surge.

A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare (x1)
Dol Amroth. Besieged.


If Aearlang is free of encounters, add it to the staging area, controlled by the players.

Action: Exhaust Aearlang to ready a hero. Any player may trigger this action.

"Then you would have us retreat... and there sit like children on sand–castles when the tide is flowing?"
–Prince Imrahil, The Return of the King

A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare (x1)
Dol Amroth. Besieged.


If Docks of Dol Amroth is free of encounters, add it to the staging area, controlled by the players.

Action: Exhaust Docks of Dol Amroth to heal 2 damage from a Ship objective. Any player may trigger this action.

A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare (x2)
28 4 4 3 8 5 
Corsair. Ship.

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Ramming Ship engages you, it gets +4Attack until the end of the round.

Shadow: Put the top card of Corsair deck into play engaged with you and deal it a shadow card.