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Results: 651 - 700 of 1174 Cards
The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3/x1)
37 3 5 2 4
Creature. Spider.


Forced: At the end of each round, each player must give a hero he controls 1 poison.

...hairy legs waving, nippers an dspinners snapping, eyes popping, full of froth and rage. –The Hobbit

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x5)
25 1 4 1 3
Creature. Spider.


Forced: When this enemy attacks, defending player must attach 1 poison to a character he controls.

Shadow: Defending character gets 2 poison.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3)
15 2 2 0 1

Forced: After Dark Bats damages a character, attach it to that character. (While attached, counts as a Condition attachment with the text: 'Attached character gets -1 Willpower, -1 Attack, and -1 Defense.")

Shadow: Attach this card to the defending character.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)
50 X 6 9 20

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects

X is the number of non-Burglar characters committed to the quest.

Forced: After the 6th progress token is placed here, the players advance to stage 4A.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)
50 6 8 8 20

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.

Cannot leave the staging area (except by quest effect) but is considered to be engaged with the first player.

Forced: If Smaug the Magnificent is dealt a shadow card with a burgle effect, he makes an additional attack immediately after this one.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3)
33 1 1 1 2

Forced: When a location is revealed from the encounter deck, put 1 progress on Smaug the Golden.

Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 1 card from his hand that matches the revealed card's sphere and type.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3/x0)

While Great Hall is the active location, it gains: "Forced: Put 1 progress on Smaug the Golden at the end of each round."

Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 3 cards from his hand that match the revealed card's type.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x2/x0)

When Revealed: Attach to the hero with the most resources without Dragon-Spell attached. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

"Attached hero gets -1 Willpower for each resource in its resource pool.

Forced: When attached hero spends resources, attached hero takes X damage. X is equal to the number of resources spent.")

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x4)
35 2 4 2 5
Goblin. Orc.

Bolg cannot take damage.

Forced: When this enemy attacks, deal it an additional shadow card for each quest stage in play with no progress tokens on it.

...with them came the bodyguard of Bolg, goblins of huge size with scimitars of steel. –The Hobbit

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3)
15 1 3 0 3
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: When this enemy attacks, remove 1 progress from the current quest.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3/x1)
30 2 3 1 3

Forced: When Ravenous Warg attacks, the defending player must declare the character he controls with the most damage as the defender. (Even if exhausted.)

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 Defense for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3/x2)

While Northern Slopes is in the staging area, each Goblin enemy gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

While Northern Slopes is the active location, it gains: "Forced: When a character leaves play, remove 1 progress from the current quest, if able."

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)
Ruins. Valley.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: Remove 2 progress from stage 3B at the end of each round, if able.

Travel: Spend 3 resources to travel here. (1 resource instead if stage 3B is the current quest.)

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)
Ruins. Mountain.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: Remove 2 progress from stage 4B at the end of each round, if able.

Travel: Spend 3 resources to travel here. (1 resource instead if stage 4B is the current quest.)

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x1)
Ruins. Mountain.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: Remove 2 progress from stage 2B at the end of each round, if able.

Travel: Spend 3 resources to travel here. (1 resource instead if stage 2B is the current quest.)

The Black Riders (x2/x1)

Forced: After a player fails a Hide test, shuffle a Nazgûl enemy from the discard pile into the encounter deck, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if the defending player failed a Hide test this round).

The Black Riders (x5/x3)
35 4 5 4 6

Hide 2. Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.

Forced: After engaged player fails a Hide test, Black Rider makes an immediate attack.

The riding figure sat quite still with its head bowed, as if listening. From inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Riders (x2/x0)

Peril. Surge.

When Revealed: Attach to a hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero.Forced: After a player fails a Hide test, discard attached hero.")

"He is not far away. I wish to find him. If he passes will you tell me? I will come back with gold."
–Black Rider, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Riders (x1)

Response: After players travel here, the first player puts 1 ally into play from his hand.

Forced: After The Prancing Pony leaves play, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X enemies have been discarded. X is the number of players in the game. Put each enemy discarded by this effect into play engaged with the first player.

The Black Riders (x1)

While Midgewater is the active location, enemies cannot attack, take damage, or be engaged.

Forced: After Midgewater becomes the active location, return each engaged enemy in play to the staging area.

...there was no permanent trail even for Rangers to find through their shifting quagmires.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Riders (x3)
Forest. Hills.

Response: After the players travel here, place 1 non-unique enemy in play facedown under this location. While an enemy is under this location, it is out of play.

Forced: After this location leaves play, return each enemy under it to the staging area face-up.

The Black Riders (x1)
38 3 1 3 5
Bree. Spy.

Players cannot optionally engage Bill Ferny.

Forced: At the beginning of the staging step, either shuffle 1 out of play Ringwraith into the encounter deck or each player raises their threat by 1 for each non- hero he committed to the quest.

The Black Riders (x3)

While Ettenmoors is the active location, do not deal Nazgûl enemies a shadow card during the combat phase.

Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Ettenmoors reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

Before long Frodo was obliged to dismount and stuggle along on foot. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Riders (x4)
30 2 4 3 6

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.

While Fell Rider is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, the first player must either reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1 or engage Fell Rider."

The Black Riders (x4/x2)
35 3 5 4 5

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.

Forced: When Ringwraith attacks, deal it an additional shadow card if The One Ring is exhausted.

Shadow: Shuffle this card into the encounter deck.

The Black Riders (x3/x1)


When Revealed: Attach to a Nazgûl enemy in play, if able. (Counts as a Mount attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per enemy. Attached enemy gets -10 engagement cost and gains: 'Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, return attached enemy to the staging area.'")

The Black Riders (x1)


When Revealed: Attach to the Ring-bearer. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: At the beginning of each quest phase, either exhaust The One Ring or reveal and additional encounter card this phase.")

Once more the desire to slip on the Ring came over Frodo... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
50 5 6 5 12

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.

Cannot leave the staging area but is considered to be engaged with each player.

Forced: After placing the 6th damage here, the first player takes control of the Ring-bearer, exhausted with 1 damage on it.

The Road Darkens (x1)
30 4 5 3 6
Creature. Warg.

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Great Warg Chief enages you, discard cards from the encounter deck until a Warg enemy is discarded. Put that enemy into play engaged with you.

The Road Darkens (x4)
38 2 3 2 4
Creature. Warg.

Forced: After Howling Warg attacks, place 1 damage on an active location.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack If this attack destroys a character, place 1 damage on an active location.

The Road Darkens (x2)
28 3 1 1 2


When Revealed: Either exhaust a hero you control, or engaged Crebain from Dunland.

Forced: After Crebain from Dunland engages a player, reveal the top card of the encounter deck.

The Road Darkens (x1)

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: When Redhorn Pass is explored, each player assigns X damage among characters he controls. X is the number of damage here.

"We may well be seen by watchers on that narrow path..." –Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)

While Tree-crowned hill is the active location, each enemy gets -1Threat

Forced: When Tree-crowned hill is explored, the players, as a group, exhaust X characters in play. X is the number of damage here.

For their defense in the night the Company climbed to the top of the small hill... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x3)

While Hills of Hollin is the active location, each enemy in the staging area gets +5 engagement cost.

Forced: When Hills of Hollin is explored, each player raises his threat by 1 for each damage here.

For their defense in the night the Company climbed to the top of the small hill... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x3/x2)

While Hills of Hollin is the active location, it gains:"Forced: After an enemy is added to the staging area, it gets -5 engagement cost until the end of the round."

Forced: When Redhorn Foothills is explored, each player must discard X cards from his hand at random. X is the number of damage here.

The Road Darkens (x3/x2)

Forced: When Eregion is explored, the players, as a group, must discard X allies from play. X is the number of damage here.

Shadow: Defending player discards a non-objective attachment he controls.

The Road Darkens (x1)
Shadow. Flame.

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, remove 1 damage token from Doom, Doom, Doom. Then, if there are no damage tokens here, add The Balrog to the staging area.

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, The Balrog makes an attack if it is in play.

The Road Darkens (x1)
40 4 4 3 6
Orc. Uruk.

Cannot have attachments. Allies cannot defend against Orc-chieftain.

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Orc-chieftain engages the first player.

...he charged into the Company and thrust his spear straight at Frodo. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x2/x1)

Forced: After Darkened Stairway is explored, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card is a location, add it to the staging area.

Frodo caught glimpses of stairs and arches and of other passages and tunnels, sloping up, or running steeply down, or opening blankly dakr on either side. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: When Sarn Gebir is explored, deal 1 damage to each exhausted character.

"Boats of the Elves would not sink, maybe." he said, "but that does not say that we should come through Sarn Gebir alive. None have ever done so yet." –Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x4)

While River Anduin is in the staging area it gains:"Forced: At the end of the travel phase, each player at this stage raises his threat by 1. Then, River Anduin moves to the staging area to the left, if able."

"Anduin flows faster than I thought." –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)

Peril. Surge.

When Revealed: Attach to a non- hero in play. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After The One Ring exhausts, raise each player's threat by 1 and reduce attached hero'sWillpower to 0 until the end of the round."

The Road Darkens (x1)

Setup: Add Overcome by Grief to the staging area.

Forced: After a character is destroyed, if Overcome by Grief is unattached, attach to a hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After a character you control is destroyed, exhaust attached hero. Until the end of the round, attached hero cannot ready.")

The Road Darkens (x1)

Setup: Add Grievous Wound to the staging area.

"Forced: After a hero takes damage, if Grievous Wound is unattached, attach to that hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After attached hero exhausts, deal 1 damage to it.")

The Road Darkens (x1)

Peril. Surge.

When Revealed: Attach to a hero you control. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After a character you control is destroyed, raise your threat by 2.")

"Alas! An ill fate is on me this day, and all that I do goes amiss." –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Treason of Saruman (x4)

Poisoned Counsels functions like a player card.

Forced: After you draw this card, discard all other cards in your hand.

"And ever Wormtongue's whispering was in your ears, poisoning your thought, chilling your heart, weakening your limbs..." –Gandalf, The Two Towers

The Treason of Saruman (x1)

Treat each Captive's text box as blank. Captives are in play but are not under any player's control. If there are no Captives in play, the players lose the game.

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, increase the pursuit value by 1. Then, if the pursuit value is 30 or greater, the players lose the game.

The Treason of Saruman (x1)
40 4 3 4 5
Orc. Mordor.

Forced: After Grishn kh enters play, the first player attached 1 of the Captives to him. If Grishn kh is defeated, place the attached Captive faceup underneath To Isengard!

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, deal 1 damage to the attached Captive.

The Treason of Saruman (x2)
Plains. River.

Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Banks of Entwash, increase the pursuit value by 1.

Shadow: Either increase the pursuit value by 1, or this attack is considered undefended.

"...north–west to the issuing of the Entwash there lies still a wide land." –Aragorn, The Two Towers

The Treason of Saruman (x1)

Add 1 to the total Threat in the staging area for each resource token here.

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, place 1 resource token here.

If there are 8 resource tokens here, add TheDefense of Helm's Deep to the victory display and advance to stage 5A.