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Results: 2551 - 2600 of 3044 Cards
The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x2)
40 4 3 2 5 7 
Undead. Wight.

Forced: After Marsh-wight engages a player, that player makes an escape test, dealing 3 cards from the encounter deck. If this test is failed, place 2 resources on Gollum and Marsh-wigth makes an immediate attack.

"But all foul, all rotting, all dead. A fell light is in them." –Frodo, The Two Towers

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x3)
30 1 5 2 3 6 
Spirit. Undead.

Forced: After Lost Soul of L≤rien is destroyed, attach it to a hero with 1 or more Willpower, if able. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero. Attached hero's Willpower is reduced to 0.")

"Many faces proud and fair, and weeds in their silver hair."

-Frodo, The Two Towers

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x3)
18 2 2 3 7 3 
Spirit. Undead.

While Ill-fated Guard is engaged with a player, that player cannot commit more than 1 character to each escape test.

Shadow: Discard all attachments from each character you control with 3 or moreWillpower

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x1)

When Revealed: Each player makes an escape test, dealing 1 card from the encounter deck. Each player who fails this test must either discard a hero from play or raise his threat by 5.

Escape: 5

"You should not look in when the candles are lit." –Gollum, The Two Towers

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: The first player makes an escape test countingDefense intead ofWillpower dealing 2 cards from the encounter deck. If this test is failed, place 1 resource token on Gollum and deal 1 damage to each character in play.

Escape: 3

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x1)

When Revealed: Return the top X Undead enemies in the encounter discard pile to the staging area, where X is the number of players. If no enemies were returned to the staging area as a result of this effect, Devilry of the Dark Land gains surge.

Escape: 10

'But that is an age and more ago,' said Sam. 'The Dead can't be really there!' –The Two Towers

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x3)
28 2 4 3 7 9 
Mordor. Orc.

When Ambushing Orcs is dealt a shadow card that targets the player guarding Gollum that shadow card also targets each other player

"It was that very night of summer, yet moonless and starless, that Orcs came on us at unawares." –Legolas, The Fellowship of the Ring

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x2)
48 3 4 2 4 7 
Goblin. Orc.

Cannot be optionally engaged.

Forced: After the player guarding Gollum changes, Pursuing Warg-rider engages the player guarding Gollum and makes an immediate attack against that player.

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x3)
33 3 3 2 5 9 
Creature. Spider.

When Revealed: The player guarding Gollum must either exhaust a hero he controls or Web-spinner gains surge.

Shadow: The player guarding Gollum must exhaust a character he controls.

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x2)

Progress cannot be placed on Deceptive Path while it is in the staging area.

Forced: After Deceptive Path becomes the active location, shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a location is discarded. Reveal that location and make it the active location. Then, discard Deceptive Path.

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Reveal the topmost Spider enemy in the encounter discard pile and add it to the staging area.

Shadow: The player guarding Gollum must discard all resources from each of his heroes' resource pools.

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x2)


When Revealed: Attach Isolation to the current quest. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "All characters lost the ranged and sentinel keywords. The player guarding Gollum cannot choose a new player to guard Gollum.")

And he was miserable, alone, lost.
–The Hobbit

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Discard all attachments controlled by the player guarding Gollum. Then remove all cards in that player's discard pile from the game. If no attachments are discarded as a result of this effect, Befouled Equipment gains surge.

Shadow: Discard all attachments controlled by the player guarding Gollum.

Return to Mirkwood Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: The player guarding Gollum must either reveal the topmost Tantrum card in the encounter discard pile, or reveal 2 additional encounter cards from the encounter deck.

Shadow: Deal the topmost Tantrum card in the encounter discard pile as a new shadow card for this attack, if able.

Into the Pit Nightmare (x4)
20 1 4 3 5 7 
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: After Cave Torch exhausts, Patrol Sentry makes an immediate attack against the engaged player, if able.

Shadow: Add Patrol Sentry to the staging area.

Into the Pit Nightmare (x3)
50 3 2 2 4 5 
Goblin. Orc.

Cannot be optionally engaged.

If the active location is a Dark location, Goblin Lurker gets +3Attack and -40 engagement cost.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+3Attack instead if the active location is a Dark location.)

Into the Pit Nightmare (x2)
0 1 7 7 8 1 


Shadow Dweller does not make engagement checks while Cave Torch is in play.

Shadow: Shuffle Shadow Dweller back into the encounter deck.

Into the Pit Nightmare (x3)
Underground. Dark.

X is the number of Dark locations in play.

When Revealed: Remove all progress from each Dark location in play.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each Dark location in play.

Into the Pit Nightmare (x3)
Underground. Hazard.

Doomed 1.

Each Dark location in play gets +2 quest points.

While Cave Torch is ready, progress cannot be placed on Narrow Fissure.

There were fissures and chasms in the walls...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Into the Pit Nightmare (x3)


When Revealed: Attach to a non-Dark location in play. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached location gains the Dark trait and gets +3 quest points.")

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +3Defense this phase.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x1)
20 3 3 3 12 1 
Mordor. Orc.

Overseer Maurûl gets +X Threat +X Attack and +X Defense where X is the highest number of resources on a Goblin enemy in play.

The Players cannot win the game unless Overseer Maurûl is in the victory display.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x1)

Immune to player card effects.

Each Goblin enemy with at least 1 resource on it is immune to player events.

Forced: When a Goblin enemy engages a player, add 2 resources to that enemy.

"Now, I fear, we must say farewell to Balin son of Fundin."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x2)
44 1 4 4 6 5 
Mordor. Orc.

When Revealed: Add 1 resource to each Goblin enemy in play.

Forced: When a Goblin enemy with at least 1 resource on it is dealt any amount of damage, remove 1 resource from that enemy and cancel all damage just dealt to it.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x3)
15 2 4 2 3 1 
Goblin. Orc.

Each Goblin enemy gets +1 Attack for each resource on it. This ability does not stack with other copies of Goblin Skirmisher.

Shadow: Deal X damage to the defending character. X is the number of resources on attacking enemy.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x2)
36 3 2 1 4 8 
Goblin. Orc.

When Revealed: Add 2 resources to Pit Goblin.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is a Goblin add 1 resource to it.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x3)

Forced: When a Goblin enemy enters play, add 1 resource to that enemy if Deep-Mines is in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack Then, if attacking enemy is a Goblin deal it another shadow card.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x2)

Each Goblin in play gets +1 Threat for each resource on it. This ability does not stack with other copies of Western Hall

Away beyond the shadows at the western end of the hall there came cries and horn–calls.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x3)

Surge. Doomed 1.

When Revealed: Add 1 resource to each Goblin enemy in play.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is a Goblin add 1 resource to it.

The Seventh Level Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Reveal the top X cards of the encounter deck, adding all enemies to the staging area. Discard the other revealed cards without resolving them. X is 2 plus the number of players not engaged with a Goblin enemy.

Eachoes ran along as they hurried forward; and there seemed to be the sound of many footfalls following their own. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Flight from Moria Nightmare (x3)
10 1 3 1 6 1 
Goblin. Orc.


While you are engaged with Swarming Goblins, it gains:"Forced: When a quest card is bypassed, search the encounter discard pile for a copy of Goblin Spearman and put it into play engaged with you."

Flight from Moria Nightmare (x3)
34 X X 3 5 8 

X is the number of victory points in the victory display.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +XAttack X is the number of victory points in the victory display.

Flight from Moria Nightmare (x4)
Underground. Dark.

As an additional cost to bypass a quest card, each player must raise his threat by 2.

Shadow: If the defending character is a hero, discard all resources in its resource pool. Deal attacking enemy another shadow card for each resource discarded in this way.

Flight from Moria Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Choose and remove characters from the quest until the totalWillpower of characters removed from the quest is equal to or higher than The Nameless Fear'sThreat

Shadow: Discard each attachment you control with a cost less than The Nameless Fear'sThreat

Flight from Moria Nightmare (x3)
Shadow. Flame.

Surge Doomed 1.

When Revealed: Add this card to the victory display.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, add this card to the victory display.

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x3)
20 2 3 2 4 1 
Goblin. Orc. Snow.


Forced: After engaging Wolfpelt Goblin the engaged player must deal X damage to 1 character he controls, where X is the active location's remaining quest points. Then, remove 2 progress from the active location, if able.

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x4)
28 2 3 3 6 7 

While attacking, Silvertine Marauder gets +2 Attack if the defending character has less than 2 Willpower.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack if the defending character has less than 2 Willpower.

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x2)
42 4 6 4 10 5 
Giant. Snow.

While Snow-Giant is in the staging area, it attacks the first player during the combat phase, as if it were engaged.

Forced: After Snow-Giant engages you, discard the ally you control with the highestWillpower

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x3)
Mountain. Snow.

X is the number of Snow cards in the staging area.

Travel: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for 1 copy of Freezing Cold and reveal it to travel here. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1Willpower Deal the attacking enemy 1 additional shadow card.

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x3)
Mountain. River.

While Frozen Silverlode is in the staging area, characters cannot gainWillpower from player card effects.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1Willpower Deal the attacking enemy 1 additional shadow card.

"...and there the River Silverlode rises in its icy springs."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x2)

While Blinding Blizzard is in play, heroes do not collect resources during the resource phase.

When Revealed: Add Blinding Blizzard to the staging area. Progress that would be placed on the current quest or on Snow locations are instead placed on Blinding Blizzard. When the 5th progress is placed on Blinding Blizzard, discard it.

The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Return all Snow cards in the encounter discard pile to the top of the encounter deck, in random order. Reveal the top card of the encounter deck (reveal the top 2 cards instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game).

"Caradhras has not forgiven us," he said. "He has more snow yet to fling at us, if we go on."
–Gimli, The Fellowship of the Ring

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x3)
5 3 5 3 5 7 
Uruk. Orc.


Forced: When Uruk Elf-stalker attacks and destroys a character, deal 1 damage to Arwen Undómiel.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x3)
30 3 3 2 3 5 
Goblin. Orc.


Forced: After Goblin Trapper engages a player, that player must exhaust a character he controls.

Shadow: Add Goblin Trapper to the staging area.

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x2)
34 2 5 1 7 1 
Goblin. Orc.


Forced: After Raiding Party engages a player, each player discards the top card of the encounter deck, starting with the first player. Each player who discards an enemy with the ambush keyword must make an engagement check against that enemy.

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x2)
16 1 3 2 5 8 
Goblin. Orc.


While Vicious Tracker is engaged with a player, that player is considered to have +20 threat for purposes of engagement checks only.

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x3)

Forced: When an engaged enemy with the ambush keyword engages a player, Treacherous Bluffs gets +2 Threat until the end of the phase.

Shadow: Excess damage dealt by this attack must be assigned to Arwen Undómiel.

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x3)

While Concealed Woods is the active location, the first enemy with the ambush keyword revealed from the encounter deck each round gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack if engaged with the first player.

Road to Rivendell Nightmare (x2)

When Revealed: Return each engaged enemy with the ambush keyword to the staging area. Each player makes engagement checks against each enemy in the staging area, as if it were the encounter phase. If there are no enemies with the ambush keyword in play, Tumultuous Assault gains surge.

The Watcher in the Water Nightmare (x1)
50 4 7 7 21 1 
Creature. Tentacle.

While The Watcher is in the staging area, it cannot be damaged by player card effects.

If The Watcher is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player must deal 3 damage to 1 character he controls.

The Watcher in the Water Nightmare (x3)
46 4 4 0 3 7 

Forced: When Writing Tentacle engages a player, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has a shadow effect or is a Tentacle enemy, Writhing Tentacle makes an immediate attack, then attaches to the defending character as a Tentacle attachment with the text: "Attached character cannot commit to the quest."