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Results: 51 - 100 of 138 Cards
Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Accolade. Title.


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Defense.

Action: Discard a card from your hand to heal 1 damage from attached hero. This ability may be triggered by each player once each round.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)
8 3 1 1 3 6 ★

Response: After you engage an enemy with a higher engagement cost than your threat, ready Sam Gamgee. He gets +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense until the end of the round.

"I'm going with him...and if any of those Black Riders try to stop him, they'll have Sam Gamgee to reckon with" –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x3)

Attach to a Hobbit hero. Limit 1 per hero.

Attached hero gets +2 Defense while defending against an attack by an enemy with an engagement cost higher than your threat.

In their dark cloaks they were invisible as if they all had magic rings. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x3)
4 1 3 1 4 6 ★
Gondor. Warrior.

Boromir gets +2 Defense while defending against an enemy with an engagement cost higher than your threat.

Response: After Boromir takes any amount of damage, ready him.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x3)

Action: Choose a Hobbit character. That character gets +2 Willpower, +2 Attack, and +2 Defense until the end of the phase.

"I have something to do before the end, and it lies ahead, not in the Shire. I must see it through, sir, if you understand me." –Sam Gamgee, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 defense and gains the Ranger trait.

"What roads would any dare to tread, what safety would there be in quiet lands, or in the homes of simple men at night, if the Dúnedain were asleep, or were all gone into the grave?"
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.


Attach to a Hobbit hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Response: After attached hero exhausts to defend an attack, discard the top card of the encounter deck. Deal damage to the attacking enemy equal to the discarded card's Threat.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)
Artifact. Item. Armor.

Attach to the Ring-bearer.

Attached hero gets +1 Defense and +1 hit point.

"I should feel happier if I knew you were wearing it. I have a fancy it would turn even the knives of the Black Riders..." –Bilbo, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a Noble hero or Aragorn. Restricted.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Response: After an attack in which the attached hero defended resolves, exhaust Andúril to target the enemy that just attacked. Declare attached hero as an attacker against that enemy (and resolve the attack).

The Two Towers (x3)
3 1 2 2 2 4 ★
Rohan. Warrior.

Combat Action: Ready Háma. He gets +3 Defense until the end of the phase. At the end of the phase, discard Háma. (Limit once per round.)

"I am the Doorward of Théoden," he said. "Háma is my name." –The Two Towers

The Two Towers (x3)

Play only if you control Aragorn.

Quest Action: Choose 3 heroes committed to the quest. Ready those heroes. Until the end of the round, each of the chosen heroes gets +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense.

"We shall makes such a chase as shall be accounted a marvel among the Three Kindreds: Elves, Dwarves, and Men. Forth the Three Hunters!" –Aragorn, The Two Towers

The Two Towers (x1)


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack +1 Defense and cannot have treachery card attachments.

"Beyond all hope you return to us in our need!"
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

The Return of the King (x3)

Response: After a sentinel character is declared as a defender, it gets +2 Defense for this attack. If this attack deals no damage, ready the

...but alone in the porch upon the topmost step stood Beregond, clad in the black and silver of the Guard; and he held the door against them.

-The Return of the King

The Return of the King (x3)
3 2 1 1 3 4 ★
Noldor. Ranger.

While Elladan is in play, Elrohir gets +2 Defense.

Response: After you optionally engage an Orc enemy, ready Elrohir.

"From the North we came with this purpose, and from Elrond our father we brought this very counsel."

-The Return of the King

The Return of the King (x3)

Attach to a Hobbit hero. Limit 2 copies of Friend of Friends in play.

While another hero has Friend of Friends attached, attached hero gets +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, +1 Defense and +1 hit point.

"Come, Mr. Frodo!" he cried, "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well"

-Sam Gamgee, The Return of the King

Core Set (x2)

Action: Until the end of the phase, all characters get +1 Attack. All Gondor characters also get +1 Defense until the end of the phase.

And the tree that was withered shall be renewed,
and he shall plant it in high places,
and the City shall be blessed.
–The Return of the King

Core Set (x3)

Action: Choose a character. Until the end of the phase, that character gains +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Throwing back his cloak, he laid his hand on the hilt of a sword that had hung concealed by his side. They did not dare to move.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Core Set (x2)

Attach to a hero.

Action: Discard a card from your hand to give attached hero +1 Defense or +1 Willpower until the end of the phase. Limit 3 times per phase.

'Speak no evil of the lady Galadriel!' said Aragorn sternly. 'There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself. Then let him beware.'
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1)
2 2 0 1 2 4 ★ 10 
Noldor. Noble.

Response: After Arwen Undómiel exhausts, choose a character. That character gains sentinel and gets +1 Defense until the end of the round. whom it was said that the likeness of Lúthien had come on earth again...for she was the Evenstar of her people.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Response: After a sentinel character is declared as a defender, it gets +2 Defense for this attack. If this attack deals no damage, ready the defending character.

...but along in the porch upon the topmost step stood Beregond...
–The Return of the King

Conflict at the Carrock (x3)

Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gains +1 Defense

Action: Pay 1 resource from attached hero's pool to attach Dúnedain Warning to another hero.

Return to Mirkwood (x3)
4 2 2 2 4 5 ★ 9 
Creature. Eagle.

Eagles of the Misty Mountains cannot have restricted attachments. Eagles of the Misty Mountains gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each facedown attachment it has.

Response: After another Eagle character leaves play, you may attach that card facedown to Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

Khazad-dûm (x3)

Action: Choose a Dwarf hero. That hero gets +2 Willpower +2 Attack and +2 Defense until the end of the round.

A king he was on carven throne
In many–pillared halls of stone
With golden roof and silver floor,
And runes of power upon the door.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Redhorn Gate (x1)
10 2 2 1 4 5 ★ 3 
Noldor. Noble. Ranger.

While Elladan is in play, Elrohir gets +2 Defense.

Response: After Elrohir is declared as a defender, pay 1 resource from his resource pool to ready him.

"We will not turn back."
–The Return of the King

The Watcher in the Water (x3)
2 2 0 1 2 4 ★ 10 
Noldor. Noble.

Response: After Arwen Undómiel exhausts, choose a character. That character gains sentinel and gets +1 Defense until the end of the round. whom it was said that the likeness of Lúthien had come on earth again...for she was the Evenstar of her people.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Long Dark (x3)
Item. Armor.

Attach to a Dwarf or Hobbit character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +1 hit point and +1 Defense.

"And all the arrows of all the hunters in the world would be in vain..."
–Gimli, The Fellowship of the Ring

Heirs of Númenor (x3)

Action: Ready a defending Gondor character. That character gets +1 Defense until the end of the phase. walls of stone so strong and old that it seemed to have been not builded by carven by giants out of the bones of the earth. –The Return of the King

Heirs of Númenor (x3)

Action: All characters get +2 Defense and do not exhaust to defend until the end of the round.

"The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid." –Gandalf, The Return of the King

Heirs of Númenor (x3)

Attach to a Gondor or Dúnedain hero.

Action: Spend 1 resource from attached hero's resource pool to give attached hero +1 Defense for each resource in its resource pool until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)

"Believe not that in the land of Gondor the blood of Numenor is spent, nor all its pride and dignity forgotten." –Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Steward's Fear (x3)
2 1 1 1 1 2 ★ 5 

Each Outlands character you control gets +1 Defense.

... grim–faced they were, and shorter and somewhat swarthier than any men that Pippin had yet seen in Gondor. – The Return of the King

The Steward's Fear (x3)
Armor. Item.

Attach to a hero. Restricted.

Limit 1 per hero.

Attached hero gains +1 Defense. (+2 Defense instead if attached hero has the Gondor trait.)

There flowered a White Tree, and that was for Gondor...
–The Return of the King

The Drúadan Forest (x3)
3 1 2 0 2 4 ★ 1 

Response: After a card effect adds any number of resources to the resource pool of a hero you control, Harbor Master gains +1 Defense until the end of the round.

For the Elves of the High Kindred had not yet forsaken Middle–earth, and they dwelt still at that time at the Grey Havens...–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Dunland Trap (x1)
11 3 2 2 4 7 ★ 5 
Silvan. Noble.

Response: After a Silvan ally enters play, that ally gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense until the end of the round.

"...the lord of the Galadhrim is accounted wisest of the Elves of Middle–earth, and a giver of gifts beyond the power of kings." –Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

Celebrimbor's Secret (x3)
3 0 2 2 2 4 ★ 1 
Gondor. Warrior.

You may give Henneth Annûn Guard doomed 1 when you play it from your hand. If you do, it gains:

Response: After you play Henneth Annûn Guard, choose a character. Until the end of the round, that character gets +2 Defense and gains sentinel.

"Does he think that men sleep without watch all night?" –Faramir, The Two Towers

Celebrimbor's Secret (x3)

Attach to a Noldor or Silvan character.

Limit 1 per character.

Attached character gets +1 Defense (+2 Defense instead if the active location has the Forest trait).

It was hard to say what colour they were: grey with the hue of twilight under the trees they seemed to be; and yet if they were moved, or set in another light, they were green as shadowed leaves... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Antlered Crown (x3)

Attach to a Warrior hero.

Response: After you optionally engage an enemy, exhaust Captain of Gondor to give attached hero +1 Attack and +1 Defense until the end of the round.

"Boromir it was that drove the enemy at last back from this western shore..." –Beregond, The Return of the King

Escape from Mount Gram (x1)
8 2 1 2 3 5 ★ 2 

If the active location shares a Trait with a location in the victory display, Rossiel gets +2 Willpower.

If the attacking enemy shares a Trait with an enemy in the victory display, Rossiel gets +2 Defense.

"Did you not say that you wished to see Elf-magic?"
–Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

Escape from Mount Gram (x3)
3 1 2 1 2 4 ★ 5 
Gondor. Warrior.

Veteran of Osgiliath gets +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense while your threat is 40 or higher.

"So do we ever watch the shores nigh Osgiliath, which our enemies now partly hold, and issue from it to harry our lands."
–Faramir, The Two Towers

Escape from Mount Gram (x3)
2 1 1 2 3 4 ★ 8 
Ent. Warrior.


Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.

While Derndingle Warrior is defending, it gains:

Action: Deal 1 damage to Derndingle Warrior to give it +3 Defense for this attack. (Limit once per attack.)
Across the Ettenmoors (x3)
3 0 1 2 3 4 ★ 2 
Dwarf. Warrior.

Action: Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck to give Longbeard Sentry sentinel and +1 Defense until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)

"...many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

The Battle of Carn Dûm (x3)
3 1 1 1 3 3 ★ 5 
Dúnedain. Ranger.


Guardian of Arnor gets +1 Defense for each enemy engaged with you.

"Travellers scowl at us, and countrymen give us scornful names."
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Battle of Carn Dûm (x3)

Lords of the Eldar can only be played from your discard pile.

Action: Place Lords of the Eldar on the bottom of your deck from your discard pile. Then, until the end of the round all Noldor characters get +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense.

The Grey Havens (x3)
2 0 1 1 3 3 ★ 1 
Noldor. Warrior.

While the top card of your discard pile is an attachment, Warden of the Havens gets +2 Defense and gains sentinel.

"...and if he comes, assailing the White Towers and the Havens, hereafter the Elves may have no escape from the lengthening shadows of Middle-earth."
–Galdor, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Grey Havens (x3)
Ring. Artifact.

Attach to Círdan the Shipwright or Gandalf.

Attached character gains a resource icon.

Action: Exhaust Narya and attached character to choose and ready up to 2 allies. Each of those allies gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense until the end of the phase.

"For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill."
–Círdan, The Return of the King

The Thing in the Depths (x3)
4 1 2 2 3 5 ★ 2 
Dúnedain. Noble.


Action: Spend 1 resource to look at a facedown shadow card dealt to an engaged enemy. If that card has a shadow effect, Eldahir gets +2 Defense until the end of the phase. Any player may trigger this action. (Limit once per phase.)

The Thing in the Depths (x3)
Item. Armor. Weapon.

Attach to a Warrior character. Raiment of War counts as 2 Restricted attachments.

Attached character gets +1 Attack +1 Defense and +2 hit points.

Now men came bearing raiment of war from the king's hoard...
–The Two Towers

The Thing in the Depths (x3)
3 2 1 1 2 4 ★ 3 

Reduce the cost to play Sam Gamgee by 2 if you control Frodo Baggins.

Response: After a player raises his threat, that player may spend 1 resource to ready Sam Gamgee. He gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense until the end of the round. (Limit once per round.)

Temple of the Deceived (x1)
10 2 2 2 4 6 ★ 3 
Rohan. Scout. Warrior.

Each hero with an attached Mount gets +1 Willpower

Each hero with an attached Mount gets +1 Attack

Each hero with an attached Mount gets +1 Defense

Ahead nearer the walls Elfhelm's men were among the siege–engines, hewing, slaying, driving their foes into the fire–pits.
–The Return of the King

A Storm on Cobas Haven (x1)
8 1 2 2 4 6 ★ 1 
Corsair. Warrior.

Resources in Na'asiyah's resource pool cannot be used to pay for allies.

Action: While Na'asiyah is attacking or defending, pay 1 resource from her resource pool to give her +2 Attack or +2 Defense for this attack.

A Storm on Cobas Haven (x3)
3 1 1 1 3 3 ★ 1 
Noldor. Warrior.

Veteran Sword-elf gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each copy of Veteran Sword-elf in your discard pile.

The elves were the first to charge. Their hatred for the goblins is cold and bitter.
–The Hobbit