The rumors were true! The dreaded Witch-king of Angmar once again walks Middle-earth, driven by some fell purpose.
When Revealed: Remove all resource tokens from each region. Flip Shadows of Terror over, Found side faceup. Attach the set aside Chief of the Nine objective to the Nazgûl enemy that entered play last. That enemy is “the Witch-king”. If there are other groups, take a moment to strategize with them about who will handle each Nazgûl enemy.
The Nazgûl cannot be allowed to pursue their aims unhindered. You must disrupt their plans and send them back to their master.
When calculating the remaining hit points of a Nazgûl enemy, add up all damage on each copy of that enemy among all groups.
Forced: When you would investigate rumors, each player draws 1 card instead.
If there are no Nazgûl enemies in play, the players win the game.