The White City Besieged
The Return of the King #75 (x1)

3A-B (4) east the city was besieged, enclosed in a ring of foes. The Rammas was broken, and all the Pelennor was abandoned to the Enemy. -The Return of the King

When Revealed: Each player takes control of each ally he owns in the staging area and exhausts it. The first player adds Minas Tirith, Grond, and The Witch-king (Captain side faceup) to the staging area. Each other player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a different enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffl

The White ~City Besieged gets +4 quest points for each player in the game.

The players cannot travel to Pelennor locations.

Forced: When an enemy is destroyed, place progress on this stage equal to that enemy's total Threat (progress must be placed on the ac