The Doors of Felagund have falles, and the host of Morgoth has begun pouring into Nargothrond. As the great halls and chambers are ransacked, you see Orcs herding those maidens and children that have survived into a crowd. They are destined to be slaves enduring unbearable torment in Angband unless you can rescue them from their fate.
When Revealed: Return Glaurung to the staging area if he is engaged with a player. Glaurung makes an immediate attack against each playe, in turn order (do not deal a shadow card or trigger the forced effect on Glaurung for this attack).
Glaurung cannot leave the staging area and is considered to be engaged with each player.
Forced: At the end of the round, add 1 damage to this stage (add 2 damage instead if there are more non-unique enemies in the staging area than the number of players). If the number of damage tokens is equal to or greater than 6, the players lose.
If the players complete the victory condition on The Hopes of Nargothrond they win.