Searching the Woods
The Road Darkens #63 (x1)

3A-B (-)

Sam had dashed off first. Merry and Pippin had followed, and were already disappearing westward into the trees by the shore, shouting: Frodo! Frodo! in their clear, high hobbit–voices. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Forced: After stage 2B is discarded, if the total Threat of the encounter cards in this staging area is less than 4, reveal 1 encounter card.

If Frodo's Choice is not in play, any time players would place progress on this quest, discard an equal number of cards from the encounter deck instead.

Forced: After Frodo's Choice is revealed at this stage, advance to stage 4A.

Response: After you quest successfully, discard a non-unique location in the staging area.