As the hours drag on, you discover that you have become lost. You get the sense that the trees are moving in to bar your retreat, leading you ever deeper into the belly of the Old Forest.
When Revealed: End the current phase. Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player not currently engaged with a location must discard cards from the encounter deck until a non-unique location is discarded and put it into play engaged with them.
Every mile of this journey is a struggle for both mind and body. Something is driving the Old Forest to madness, and you have no choice but to press onward until you come face to face with it.
Each active location is considered to be engaged with the first player.
The players must travel to a location during the travel phase, if able.
When a non-unique active location is explored, attach it to the set-aside Grey Lady Poplar. If there are at least 4 attachments on Grey Lady Poplar, advance to stage 3A.