Hobbiton Bakery
The Shire's Reckoning #98 (x1)

2A-B (-)

Lobelia demanded five pies! No less! As you near the Party Tree, you decide to stop at the Hobbiton Bakery to fill up your basket and avoid Lobelia's wrath.

When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Continue resolving:

“Forced: The player with the fewest resources on their Food objective places 1 resource token on their Food objective and reveals an encounter card”
until all players have 5 resource tokens on their Food objective.

When Revealed: Make The Party Tree the active location (return any other active locations to the staging area).

If any player discards any number of resource tokens from their Food objective, the players lose the game. At the end of the round, the players win the game.