Down the Baranduin
Down the Baranduin - Resolution
The Legacy of Fëanor #121 (x1)


You are playing Campaign Mode.

Forced: When the players advance to stage 2, shuffle 1 copy of Sudden Attack into the encounter deck. Then, either add Storm to the staging area, or shuffle Parted by Peril into the encounter deck.

Response: Shuffle 1 copy of Sudden Attack into the encounter deck to cancel an enemy card revealed by the encounter deck. Discard that enemy. Limit 3 times per game for the group.

Resolution: Add each copy of Sudden Attack in play, in the encounter deck, and in the discard pile to the Campaign Pool. The added cards have been earned by the players.

If Parted by Peril is in the staging area, add it to the Campaign Pool. The heroes have earned this card.

Remove Handwritten Note and Fear of Dragaz from the Campaign Pool. Then, add Stealth and Silence and Slayer of Dragaz to the Campaign Pool. The added cards have been earned by the players.