After several years of service on the marches you have been forced to leave Doriath after a quarrel with Saeros, one of Thingol's counselors, ended in his death. Staying would have meant facing the king's doom. Wandering aimlessly at first, you have joined a band of outlaws led by Forweg. These desperate men are called Gaurwaith by the woodmen.
Setup: Set all enemy and treachery cards with the Gaurwaith trait aside, out of play. Shuffle all Dilemma cards together into a dilemma deck. Add with the Outlaws to the staging area. Put Forweg and Androg into play, ally side faceup. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The Gaurwaith raid the woodmen relentless in the winter. You must choose: restrain their evil deeds or take part in them.
Forced: The players must travel to a location during the travel phase, if able.
Forced: After a location is explored, deal X Corruption among characters the first player controls. X is the of that location.
Forced: After a Woodmen enemy is destroyed, deal 1 Corruption to each character that participated in the attack. (If Forweg or Androg participated in the attack, deal 1 Corruption to each hero controlled by the engaged player.)