A City in Turmoil
A Shadow in the East #77 (x1)

1A-B (5)

A shadow hangs over the capital of Dorwinion. Fear grips the heart of the city on the Sea of Rh–n. People have been disappearing, and it is rumored that a cult of Sauron worshippers are responsible.

Setup: Set each plot objective and each Cultist enemy aside, out of play. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different location and adds it to the staging area. One of those locations must be Side Street. Shuffle the encounter deck.

The people you came to help beg you to uncover the truth of these rumors and rescue their lost loved ones if you can.

Forced: After the active location leaves play as an explored location, place 1 resource here.

This stage cannot be defeated unless there are at least 2 resources here.